Condiciones de compra
- Introducción
MERCULES SPAIN, SL en cumplimiento de la Ley 34/2.002, de 11 de Julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico, del Reglamento UE 2016/679 de Protección de Datos, el Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2007, de 16 de noviembre, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley General para la Defensa de los Consumidores y Usuarios y demás normativa de desarrollo, ha elaborado las presentes Condiciones de Compra para el proceso de contratación de los artículos ofertados en la web
El presente documento (en adelante las "Condiciones") constituye un acuerdo comercial que vincula al Usuario (en adelante "Cliente" o “Usuario”) y MERCULES SPAIN, SL (en adelante "MERCULES"). Las presentes Condiciones establecen los derechos y obligaciones del Cliente y de MERCULES y determinan DE FORMA EXPRESA, CLARA, COMPRENSIBLE E INEQUÍVOCA la identidad del titular del Sitio Web, las características de los artículos MERCULES, los precios, formas de pago, el proceso de compra, garantías, devoluciones y cualesquiera otras circunstancias relativas a la compra de artículos MERCULES.
Todos los artículos MERCULES que se ofertan en su Sitio Web, son vendidos directamente por MERCULES SPAIN, SL con domicilio social en Avenida de Neguri 9, Getxo, 48992, Vizcaya (España), con NIF nº B-87112264, titular de la marca MERCULES.
El Cliente al hacer un pedido, acepta expresamente estas Condiciones, así como la Política de Privacidad y, el Aviso Legal que se encuentra en la Web por lo que, si el Cliente no está de acuerdo con las mismas no debe registrarse, ni navegar por la Web, ni hacer ningún pedido. Estas Condiciones podrán ser modificadas por MERCULES en cualquier momento y sin previo aviso, por lo que el Cliente debe leerlas antes de efectuar cada pedido, siendo vinculantes las Condiciones vigentes en el momento de realización del pedido.
MERCULES a través de su Sitio Web ofrece los artículos MERCULES, las 24 horas del día, todos los días del año. No podrán realizar pedidos los menores de edad.
- Registro en el Sitio Web
El usuario no tendrá la obligación de registrarse como cliente, pero sí deberá facilitar los datos personales necesarios para realizar el envío y, en su caso, la facturación como son el nombre y apellidos, dirección y teléfono.
La no respuesta o inexactitud en los datos personales impedirá el registro del usuario como Cliente registrado o como invitado en el Sitio Web. Todos los datos personales que se proporcionen estarán sujetos a nuestra Política de Privacidad.
Antes de finalizar el registro, independientemente de que sea como Cliente registrado o como invitado, el usuario deberá aceptar obligatoriamente las presentes condiciones de compra.
- Obligaciones del Cliente
El Cliente está obligado a:
- Comunicar de manera cierta y correcta a MERCULES, los datos personales necesarios para la entrega de los pedidos.
- Al pago de los artículos MERCULES que hubiese comprado a través del Sitio Web y a los gastos de envío, en aquellos casos que los hubiere.
- El Cliente no podrá realizar ningún pedido fraudulento o falso. MERCULES se reserva el derecho de anular el pedido y/o informar a las autoridades pertinentes en caso de tener motivos razonables para considerarlo como tal.
- A no llevar a cabo actividad alguna que dificulte o interfiera en el funcionamiento del Sitio Web.
- Territorio de entrega
Los artículos MERCULES se entregan exclusivamente en los países en los que nuestro Sitio Web está disponible. De este modo, cada país tiene su Sitio Web con sus propios artículos, precios y gastos de envío que pueden variar. El sistema reconocerá automáticamente el país de acceso.
- Procedimiento de compra
El Cliente deberá acceder al Sitio Web para adquirir los artículos MERCULES, teniendo a su disposición la siguiente información:
- Descripción del artículo, referencia, talla, características, colores, composición y fotografía
- Precio por unidad
- Gastos de envío
- Condiciones de validez de la oferta, en su caso
Una vez elegido el artículo, el Cliente deberá añadir a la cesta pinchando sobre el botón "AÑADIR AL CARRITO" las unidades que desea adquirir de cada artículo, la talla, el color…etc. Una vez incorporados en el carrito los artículos elegidos, el Cliente podrá acceder al resumen de la selección de los artículos pulsando en el carrito en la parte superior derecha de la página, donde aparece un resumen de los artículos seleccionados. Si el Cliente quiere modificar cantidades o eliminar artículos o realizar la compra deberá pulsar en el carrito en la parte superior derecha, y en “VER CARRITO” en la parte derecha de la página, detallándose la siguiente información:
- Producto
- Descripción
- Precio Unidad
- Cantidad
- Precio Total de cada uno de los artículos adquiridos
- Precio Total de la compra
El cliente tiene la opción de indicar en el cuadro de observaciones las especificaciones del envío, como, por ejemplo, si desea que algún producto se envíe envuelto para regalo.
Cuando el Cliente quiera finalizar la compra, deberá seleccionar dentro de la cesta en el botón “CHECKOUT” y pasará a "INFORMACIÓN DE CLIENTE”, donde deberá introducir su correo electrónico y los datos necesarios para el envío del pedido. El cliente podrá seleccionar la casilla si desea recibir noticias y promociones especiales. En este caso, únicamente se guardará su dirección de email con este propósito y para su uso propio, siempre para promociones relacionadas con el producto comprado. Además de introducir los datos de contacto y de envío podrá revisar sus datos de envío, de facturación y modificarlos. El cliente tiene la opción de guardar su información para siguientes compras. Esta información no se utilizará con ningún fin por la empresa ni se almacenará por la empresa. La única función de esta opción es el relleno automático del formulario de la propia Web para facilitar futuras compras.
Si cuenta con un código promocional o un vale online deberá incluirse en ese momento para beneficiarse de las condiciones y descuentos que resulten de aplicación a la compra.
A continuación, el cliente pasará a la pestaña de “ENVIOS”, donde verá un resumen de sus datos de envío y contacto, además del precio final incluyendo las modalidades y gastos de envío. Después, el Cliente seleccionara la forma de pago entre las opciones disponibles debiendo introducir los datos que se soliciten.
Para confirmar la compra el Cliente deberá aceptar las Condiciones de Compra, seleccionando la casilla correspondiente y proceder a su aceptación mediante clic en el botón "HE LEIDO Y ACEPTO LOS TERMINOS Y CONDICIONES” y hacer clic en el botón "FINALIZAR EL PEDIDO", el Cliente recibirá un correo electrónico en el que se le informará de los datos correspondientes al pedido "Confirmación de pedido". La no recepción de este mensaje puede deberse a algún problema transitorio de comunicaciones en la red o a algún error de escritura en la dirección de correo electrónico comunicada. En ambos casos, es aconsejable que contacte con nosotros a través de la dirección de correo
- Moneda, Forma de pago e impuestos aplicables
Los precios se mostrarán en euros o libras. De acuerdo con la legislación vigente, todas las compras realizadas en el Sitio Web estarán sujetas a los impuestos que graven la compra. Por motivos de seguridad, el Cliente no podrá realizar pedidos superiores a 2.000 Euros ni que contengan más de 15 artículos dentro de un plazo de quince (15) días hábiles. Si el Cliente está interesado en realizar compras superiores a dicho importe o número de artículos, podrá ponerse en contacto con el servicio de atención al cliente de MERCULES a través del e-mail
MERCULES SPAIN, SL hace todos los esfuerzos para que la información contenida en su Web sea veraz y sin errores. Si en algún momento se produjera cualquier error de este tipo, se procederá de inmediato a su corrección.
MERCULES se reserva el derecho a modificar los precios que se muestran en el sitio sin previo aviso, pero estos cambios no afectarán al precio de los pedidos que el Cliente ya hubiera realizado.
MERCULES acepta pagos con tarjeta de crédito o débito (Visa, Visa Electrón, Mastercard y Maestro, American Express, Diners) y Pay Pal. De conformidad con el artículo 37 de la Ley 16/2009, de 13 de noviembre, de servicios de pago, el compromiso de pago realizado a través de una tarjeta bancaria es irrevocable. Al proporcionar información sobre su tarjeta bancaria, el Cliente autoriza el cargo en su tarjeta.
Todos los pagos se realizan a través de una pasarela de pago segura que encripta los datos de las tarjetas, PAYPAL y Aplázame. Con el objetivo de dar la máxima seguridad al sistema de pago, MERCULES utiliza sistemas de pago seguro de entidades financieras de primera línea en comercio electrónico. En este sentido, los datos confidenciales del pago son transmitidos directamente y de forma encriptada (SSL) a la entidad financiera correspondiente. Para el pago con tarjetas Visa y MasterCard, MERCULES ha introducido el servicio SEC (Comercio Electrónico Seguro) con el protocolo internacional 3D Secure que se distingue por los distintivos Verified by Visa y MasterCard SecureCode. El Comercio Electrónico Seguro es una iniciativa cuyo principio básico es garantizar la seguridad en las transacciones por Internet. Al realizar el pago a través de la pasarela de pago segura, el sistema verificará automáticamente que la tarjeta de crédito esté activada para Comercio Electrónico Seguro. A continuación, conectará con el banco emisor de la misma, el cual solicitará que autorice la operación mediante un código personal de autenticación. La operación sólo se efectuará si el banco emisor de la tarjeta de crédito confirma el código de autenticación. En caso contrario, la transacción será rechazada.
Como medida complementaria al sistema de "pago Seguro" y con el objetivo de colaborar en la prevención del fraude a través de Internet, MERCULES se reserva el derecho de verificar los datos personales suministrados por el cliente y adoptar las medidas que estime oportunas (incluida la cancelación del pedido) para que la mercancía adquirida sea entregada de conformidad con los datos que figuran en el pedido.
- Envío y entrega de los artículos
Los Artículos se venden y entregan en los países en los que MERCULES está presente. El país de entrega siempre tiene que coincidir con el Sitio Web del país desde el cual el Cliente realizó la compra.
Una vez que el pedido salga de los almacenes de MERCULES, se enviará un e-mail al Cliente notificándole que su pedido está siendo enviado.
Los pedidos serán enviados a la dirección de entrega que el Cliente hubiera dado en el momento de realizar el pedido, por lo que es importante que el Cliente ponga atención en el momento en que realice el pedido, ya que no podrá modificar los datos de dirección de entrega. MERCULES no se hará responsable en caso de que la dirección de entrega sea incorrecta o incompleta.
Por motivos de seguridad, MERCULES no enviará ningún pedido a apartados de correos, ni aceptará ningún pedido cuando no sea posible identificar al destinatario del pedido y su dirección.
Mercules no se hace responsable de los daños que puedan producirse en el producto o embalaje durante el transporte de éste. En este caso la responsabilidad recaería sobre la empresa de transporte.
La responsabilidad sobre los artículos MERCULES se transmitirá al Cliente en el momento en que se produzca la entrega del pedido.
- Problemas en la entrega
En caso de que haya transcurrido el plazo indicado en el apartado de Envíos para el método de envío seleccionado por el Cliente sin que haya recibido su pedido, deberá poner esta circunstancia en conocimiento de MERCULES.
Cuando se entregue el pedido al Cliente, éste deberá comprobar que todo está conforme con lo solicitado. Si existiera alguna discrepancia o problema con el pedido, deberá notificarlo a MERCULES al correo electrónico En el citado email el Cliente deberá especificar sus datos personales y número de pedido reflejando la discrepancia o problema. MERCULES se pondrá en contacto con el Cliente a la mayor brevedad posible para solucionar la incidencia.
- Devoluciones
- Derecho de desistimiento
El Usuario tiene un plazo máximo de 15 días calendario para ejercer total o parcialmente su derecho de desistimiento, de acuerdo con la legislación aplicable. Una vez transcurridos estos 15 días, MERCULES no acepta devoluciones en el ejercicio del derecho de desistimiento de los consumidores.
El Usuario no tendrá derecho a retirar el contrato de compraventa en los casos previstos en la normativa española aplicable al consumidor, y especialmente en los siguientes casos:
(i) productos personalizados hechos bajo las especificaciones de los Usuarios, (ii) por razones de salud e higiene, MERCULES no acepta devoluciones de ropa interior. Le recomendamos que lea el artículo 103 de la regulación del consumidor español (Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2007, de 16 de noviembre, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Regulación española para la Defensa de los Consumidores y Usuarios).
El usuario debe asumir el coste y la realización de las devoluciones realizadas en el ejercicio del derecho de desistimiento. Al respecto, el Usuario deberá: (i) notificar a MERCULES su voluntad de retirar la compra antes del día 15 desde la entrega, así como (ii) enviar el producto a la siguiente dirección, calle Avenida de Neguri, 9, 48992, Getxo, (Bilbao), dentro de los 15 días naturales posteriores a la comunicación de su voluntad de retirar el contrato.
El Usuario también puede ejercer su derecho de desistimiento enviando directamente el producto a la dirección antes mencionada dentro de los 14 días naturales siguientes a la fecha de entrega.
Una vez recibido el producto, MERCULES verificará las condiciones del producto y realizará el reembolso según la normativa española aplicable.
- Reembolso para el usuario
En caso de ejercerse el derecho de desistimiento de la sección precedente, el Usuario tendrá derecho a la devolución del precio de los productos devueltos, siempre que los productos devueltos se encuentren en las mismas condiciones que en el momento de la entrega, que no se hayan utilizado (aparte del uso requerido para verificar su idoneidad), lavados, dañados o que los requisitos de la Ley y de estas Condiciones de venta no hayan sido cumplidas.
MERCULES no realizará ningún reembolso hasta la recepción del producto, también verificará las condiciones del producto devuelto, reservándose la facultad de no realizar el reembolso en caso de que MERCULES advierta que los productos adquiridos y los devueltos no son los mismos o que el retorno no se ha realizado de acuerdo con la Ley y estas Condiciones de venta.
La devolución parcial de un pedido implicará una devolución parcial de los gastos de envío, que se reembolsará proporcionalmente al valor del producto devuelto.
MERCULES gestionará la orden de devolución del precio y de los costes de entrega por medio del mismo sistema utilizado por el Usuario para realizar la adquisición de los productos, en un plazo de 48 horas a partir de la confirmación de la recepción del producto devuelto a la indicada dirección y, en cualquier caso, en un plazo no mayor a 14 días calendario desde que el Usuario comunicó su devolución, a menos que MERCULES no hubiera recibido dentro de ese plazo el producto devuelto. La aplicación del reembolso del precio y del costo de la entrega en la cuenta o en la tarjeta del Usuario, dependerá de la tarjeta y de la entidad emisora.
- Devoluciones de productos defectuosos
El Usuario tendrá derecho a que se le reembolse el importe correspondiente al precio del producto defectuoso, los gastos de envío y el coste del transporte, cuando el producto entregado sea defectuoso o no corresponda con el producto ordenado por el usuario.
En estos casos, la devolución de los productos a MERCULES se puede llevar a cabo según lo establecido en la sección (i) anterior, o contactando con MERCULES en el correo electrónico o número de teléfono disponible en el sitio web. En caso de devolución defectuosa del producto o devolución de un producto que no corresponda con el producto solicitado en el pedido registrado por el Usuario, MERCULES asumirá el coste del transporte de la devolución de los productos, siempre que la devolución está hecha desde el mismo país donde se realizó la entrega.
- Garantía de los productos
Los productos tienen la garantía legal de falta de conformidad revelada durante los 2 años posteriores a la entrega de acuerdo con lo establecido en la normativa aplicable. El usuario debe informar a MERCULES de esta falta de conformidad en el plazo de 2 meses ya que tenía conocimiento de la misma.
La garantía ofrecida corresponde a la establecida en el Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2007, de 16 de noviembre, para la Defensa del Usuario y del Consumidor.
La garantía no incluye las deficiencias por negligencia, golpe, uso, manejo indebido o cualquier uso no adecuado para su propósito. Los productos modificados y reparados por el Usuario quedarán excluidos de la garantía.
- Información de aduanas
Cuando el Usuario lleva a cabo un pedido de productos en el sitio web para su entrega en un país fuera de la Unión Europea, puede estar obligado a pagar derechos de importación y derechos, que se cobrarán en el momento en que el paquete llega al destino. Cualquier cantidad adicional adeudada correspondiente al envío personalizado correrá a cargo del Usuario. MERCULES no tiene control sobre estas cantidades. Las políticas personalizadas varían significativamente de un país a otro, por lo tanto, le recomendamos que se contacte con su Despacho de Aduanas correspondiente. Recuerde que al registrar una orden en MERCULES, formalmente la Ley considera al Usuario como un importador y debe cumplir con todas las Leyes y Reglamentos aplicables en el país receptor. También queremos recordar a nuestros usuarios internacionales que el envío internacional está sujeto a inspección y apertura por parte de las autoridades aduaneras.
- Responsabilidad y exoneración de responsabilidad
Sin perjuicio de lo establecido en la Ley y el Reglamento aplicable, la responsabilidad de MERCULES en relación con los productos adquiridos a través del Sitio web se limitará al precio de adquisición de dichos productos.
MERCULES no asumirá ninguna responsabilidad derivada, entre otros:
a) Por el uso que el Usuario pueda hacer de los materiales del Sitio web, en violación de los derechos de propiedad intelectual o industrial del Sitio web o de terceros.
b) Por los eventuales daños causados a los Usuarios como consecuencia de un funcionamiento normal o anormal de las herramientas de búsqueda, la organización o la ubicación de los contenidos y / o el acceso al Sitio Web y, en general, de los errores y problemas causados en el desarrollo o la instrumentalización de los elementos técnicos que el sitio web o el programa le da al usuario.
c) A partir del contenido de aquellas páginas a las que los Usuarios pueden acceder desde enlaces incluidos en el Sitio web, autorizados o no.
d) De los actos u omisiones de terceros, independientemente de estos terceros, podrían vincularse contractualmente con MERCULES
e) Del acceso de menores (menores de 16 años) al material incluido en el sitio web, siendo responsabilidad de sus padres o tutores el adecuado control de la actividad de sus menores a cargo o incluso la instalación de cualquier herramienta de control, para evitar el acceso al material, así como el envío de datos personales sin el previo consentimiento del adulto a cargo.
f) De errores y retrasos en el acceso al Sitio web por parte del Usuario en el momento de introducir información en cualquier forma la lentitud o imposibilidad de recepción por parte de los destinatarios de la orden de confirmación o cualquier anomalía que pudiera surgir cuando estos eventos se debieran a los problemas de Internet, circunstancias imprevistas o fuerza mayor y cualquier otra contingencia imprevisible, fuera de la fe del bien de MERCULES.
g) De los incumplimientos o incidencias que pudieran producirse en la comunicación, eliminación o transmisión incompleta, por lo que la operatividad del Sitio web no es garantía constante.
h) De los errores y daños producidos al sitio web por el uso ineficaz del usuario o mala fe.
i) De la no operatividad o problemas en la dirección de correo electrónico proporcionada por el Usuario para el envío de la orden de confirmación.
MERCULES se obligará a resolver los problemas que puedan surgir y ofrecer al Usuario toda la ayuda requerida para llegar a soluciones rápidas y satisfactorias de las incidencias del Sitio Web.
- Datos de Carácter Personal
Para comprar artículos MERCULES, será necesario que los Clientes faciliten datos personales, los cuales deberán ser verdaderos, exactos, actualizados y completos, los cuales, serán tratados por MERCULES, con las finalidades y durante el tiempo que se describe en la Política de Privacidad.
Los Clientes tendrán en todo momento el derecho a ejercitar los derechos recogidos en nuestra Política de Privacidad mediante el envío de un mensaje detallando el derecho que desea ejercitar al correo electrónico a web@mercules.eso llamando al número de teléfono 946041884
Para más información les rogamos se lean nuestro apartado específico relativo a la Política de Privacidad.
- Nulidad Parcial
La declaración de cualquiera de estas condiciones generales, como nula, inválida o ineficaz no afectará a la validez o eficacia de las restantes, que seguirán siendo vinculantes entre las partes.
La renuncia por cualquiera de las partes a exigir en un momento determinado el cumplimiento de una cualquiera de las condiciones generales aquí estipuladas no implicará una renuncia con carácter general al cumplimiento de otra condición o condiciones, ni creará un derecho adquirido para la otra parte.
- Notificaciones
Parte de la información o comunicaciones que se envíe al Cliente serán por escrito y electrónicas y a través de la web. Mediante el uso de esta página web, el Cliente acepta que las comunicaciones sean electrónicas. A efectos contractuales, el Cliente consiente en usar este medio electrónico de comunicación y reconoce que todo contrato, notificación, información y demás comunicaciones que se le envíen de forma electrónica cumplen con los requisitos legales de ser por escrito. Esta condición no afectará a sus derechos reconocidos por las leyes que sean de aplicación. Se entenderá que las notificaciones han sido recibidas y han sido correctamente hechas en el mismo instante en que se cuelguen en el sitio web, 24 horas después de haberse enviado un correo electrónico, o tres (3) días hábiles después de la fecha de franqueo de cualquier carta.
- Servicio de Atención al Cliente
Si el Cliente tiene cualquier duda sobre el Sitio Web, sobre artículos, su pedido, envíos, devoluciones, o cualquier otra comunicación o duda, puede contactar con nosotros de las siguientes formas:
- Por teléfono en el número 946041884. De lunes a viernes de 9:00 am a 18:30 pm
- Por correo electrónico a la dirección
- Por correo postal, a la siguiente dirección: Av/ Neguri, 9. 48992, Getxo (España).
- Fuero y legislación aplicable
Las condiciones presentes se regirán por las leyes españolas. Para la resolución de cualquier duda, discrepancia o divergencia que pudiera suscitarse en el cumplimiento e interpretación de este contrato, las partes se sometes a los Juzgados y Tribunales españoles. Si usted está contratando como consumidor, nada en la presente cláusula afectará a los derechos que como tal le reconoce la legislación vigente.
© Copyright 2023. MERCULES SPAIN, SL Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Madrid. Volumen 32.794, Folio 81, Hoja M-589491 y CIF B-87112264.
- Introduction
MERCULES SPAIN, SL in compliance with Law 34/2.002, of July 11th, Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce, EU Regulation 2016/679 on Data Protection, Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16, approving the revised text of the General Law for the Protection of Consumers and Users and other implementing regulations, has developed these Terms of Purchase for the procurement process of the items offered on the website
This document (hereinafter the "Conditions") is a commercial agreement that binds the User (hereinafter "Customer" or "User") and MERCULES SPAIN, SL (hereinafter "MERCULES").
These Conditions establish the rights and obligations of the Customer and MERCULES and determine in a EXPRESSLY, CLEAR, UNDERSTANDING AND INEQUIVOCABLE way the identity of the owner of the Website, the characteristics of MERCULES items, prices, payment methods, the purchase process, warranties, return policy and any other circumstances regarding to the purchase of MERCULES items.
All MERCULES items offered on its Website are sold directly by MERCULES SPAIN, SL with registered office at Avenida de Neguri 9, Getxo, 48992, Vizcaya (Spain), with NIF No. B-87112264, owner of the brand MERCULES.
The Customer by placing an order, expressly accepts these Conditions, as well as the Privacy Policy and the Legal Notice found on the Web and if the Customer does not agree with these, they should not register or browse the Web, or place any order. These Conditions may be modified by MERCULES at any time without notice, so the Customer must read them before placing each order, being binding the Conditions in force at the time of placing the order.
MERCULES through its Website offers MERCULES articles, 24 hours a day, every day of the year. No orders may be placed by underaged.
- Registration on the Website
The user is not required to register as a customer, but must provide personal information necessary for shipping (and where appropriate, billing) such as name, address and telephone.
Non-response or inaccuracy in the personal data will prevent the user from registering as a registered Customer or as a guest on the Website. All personal data provided will be subject to our Privacy Policy.
Before finalizing the registration, regardless of whether that is as a registered Customer or as a guest, the user must accept these terms and purchase conditions.
- Customer Obligations
The Customer is obliged to:
"Communicate in a true and correct way to MERCULES, the personal data necessary for the delivery of orders.
"Payment of MERCULES items purchased through the Website and shipping costs, in those cases where there are.
"The Customer may not place any fraudulent or false order. MERCULES reserves the right to cancel the order and / or inform the relevant authorities if it has reasonable grounds to consider it as such.
"Not to carry out any activity that hinders or interferes with the operation of the Website.
- Territory of delivery
MERCULES items are delivered exclusively in the countries in which our Website is available. Thus, each country has its own Website with its own articles, prices and shipping costs that may vary. The system will automatically recognize the country of access.
- Purchase procedure
The Customer must access the Website to purchase MERCULES items, having at its disposal the following information:
* Description of the article, reference, size, features, colors, composition and photograph.
* Price per unit
* Shipping costs
* Conditions of validity of the offer, if any.
Once chosen the article, the Client will have to add to the basket by clicking on the button "ADD TO CART" the units that he/she wishes to acquire of each article, the size, the color...etc. Once the selected items have been added to the cart, the Customer can access the summary of the selection of items by clicking on the cart at the top right of the page, where a summary of the selected items appears. If the Customer wants to modify quantities or delete items or make the purchase, he/she must click on the cart at the top right, and on "VIEW CART" on the right side of the page, detailing the following information:
" Product
"Unit Price
“ Total price of each of the items purchased
" Total price of the purchase
The customer has the option to indicate in the comment box the specifications of the shipment, such as, for example, if he/she wants any product to be sent gift-wrapped.
When the Customer wants to finalize the purchase, he/she should select the "CHECKOUT" button in the shopping cart and go to "CUSTOMER INFORMATION", where he/she should enter his/her e-mail address and the necessary data for the shipment of the order. The customer can check the box if he/she wishes to receive news and special promotions. In this case, your email address will only be saved for this purpose and for this sole use, always for promotions related to the purchased product. In addition to entering your contact and shipping information, you will be able to review your shipping and billing information and modify it. The customer has the option to save your information for future purchases. This information will not be used for any purpose by the company nor will it be stored by the company. The only function of this option is the automatic filling of the form of the own Web to facilitate future purchases.
If you have a promotional code or an online voucher it must be included at that time to benefit from the conditions and discounts that apply to the purchase.
Next, the customer will go to the "SHIPPING" tab, where he/she will see a summary of his/her shipping and contact information, as well as the final price including shipping methods and shipping costs. Afterwards, the Customer will select the payment method among the available options and will have to enter the requested data.
To confirm the purchase the Customer must accept the Terms and Conditions of Purchase, selecting the appropriate box and proceed to its acceptance by clicking on the button "I HAVE READ AND ACCEPT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS" and by clicking on the button "AUTHORIZE PAYMENT", the Customer will receive an email informing him of the data corresponding to the order "Order Confirmation". The non-receipt of this message may be due to a temporary communication problem in the network or to a typing error in the e-mail address communicated. In both cases, it is advisable that you contact us through the e-mail address .
- Currency, method of payment and applicable taxes
Prices will be shown in euros or pounds. In accordance with current legislation, all purchases made on the Website will be subject to the taxes levied on the purchase. For security reasons, the Customer may not place orders exceeding 2,000 Euros or containing more than 15 items within a period of fifteen (15) working days. If the Customer is interested in purchasing more than that amount or number of items, you can contact the customer service MERCULES through e-mail
MERCULES SPAIN, SL makes every effort to ensure that the information contained on its website is accurate and error free. If at any time any such error occurs, it will be corrected immediately.
MERCULES reserves the right to change the prices shown on the site without notice, but these changes will not affect the price of orders already placed by the Customer.
MERCULES accepts payments by credit or debit card (Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard and Maestro, American Express, Diners) and Pay Pal. In accordance with Article 37 of Law 16/2009 of 13 November on payment services, the commitment to pay made through a bank card is irrevocable. By providing information about their bank card, the Customer authorizes the charge on his card.
All payments are made through a secure payment gateway that encrypts card data and PAYPAL. In order to provide maximum security to the payment system, MERCULES uses secure payment systems of leading financial institutions in e-commerce. In this sense, the confidential payment data are transmitted directly and encrypted (SSL) to the corresponding financial institution. For payment with Visa and MasterCard cards, MERCULES has introduced the SEC (Secure Electronic Commerce) service with the international 3D Secure protocol, which is distinguished by the Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode marks. The Secure Electronic Commerce is an initiative whose basic principle is to guarantee the security of Internet transactions. When making the payment through the secure payment gateway, the system will automatically verify that the credit card is activated for Secure e-Commerce. It will then connect to the issuing bank, which will ask you to authorize the transaction by means of a personal authentication code. The transaction will only take place if the bank issuing the credit card confirms the authentication code. Otherwise, the transaction will be rejected.
As a complementary measure to the system of "secure payment" and with the aim of collaborating in the prevention of fraud over the Internet, MERCULES reserves the right to verify the personal data provided by the customer and take the measures it deems appropriate (including the cancellation of the order) so that the goods purchased are delivered in accordance with the data contained in the order.
- Shipping and delivery of the Articles
The Articles are sold and delivered in the countries in which MERCULES is present. The country of delivery must always coincide with the Website of the country from which the Customer made the purchase.
Once the order leaves MERCULES' warehouse, an e-mail will be sent to the Customer notifying that the order is being shipped.
Orders will be shipped to the delivery address that the Customer had given at the time of placing the order, so it is important that the Customer pays attention at the time the order is placed, as it may not change the delivery address data. MERCULES shall not be liable in the event that the delivery address is incorrect or incomplete.
For security reasons, MERCULES will not send any order to PO Boxes, nor accept any order when it is not possible to identify the recipient of the order and its address.
Responsibility for MERCULES items will be transferred to the Customer at the time of delivery of the order.
- Problems in delivery
In the event that the period indicated in the Shipping section for the shipping method selected by the Customer has elapsed without having received your order, you must bring this circumstance to the attention of MERCULES.
When the order is delivered to the Customer, it must verify that everything is in accordance with the request. If there is any discrepancy or problem with the order, you must notify MERCULES email In that email the Customer must specify your personal data and order number reflecting the discrepancy or problem. MERCULES will contact the Customer as soon as possible to resolve the issue.
- Returns
"Right of withdrawal
The User has a maximum period of 14 calendar days to exercise all or part of its right of withdrawal, in accordance with applicable law. Once these 14 days have elapsed, MERCULES does not accept returns in the exercise of the right of withdrawal of consumers.
The User shall not be entitled to withdraw from the contract of sale in the cases provided for in the Spanish regulations applicable to the consumer, and especially in the following cases:
(i) customized products made under the specifications of the Users, (ii) for health and hygiene reasons, MERCULES does not accept returns of underwear. We recommend that you read article 103 of the Spanish consumer regulation (Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the Spanish Regulation for the Defense of Consumers and Users).
The User must bear the cost and the realization of the returns made in the exercise of the right of withdrawal. In this regard, the User shall: (i) notify MERCULES its willingness to withdraw the purchase before the 14th day from delivery, as well as (ii) send the product to the following address, calle Conde de Aranda, 10, 28001, Madrid (Madrid), within 14 calendar days after the communication of its willingness to withdraw from the contract.
The User may also exercise its right of withdrawal by sending the product directly to the above address within 14 calendar days from the date of delivery.
Upon receipt of the product, MERCULES will verify the conditions of the product and make the refund according to the applicable Spanish regulations.
"Reimbursement for the user
In the event that the right of withdrawal of the preceding section is exercised, the User shall be entitled to a refund of the price of the returned products and ordinary delivery charges corresponding to the most economical option offered by MERCULES, provided that the returned products are in the same condition as at the time of delivery, that they have not been used (apart from the use required to verify their suitability), washed, damaged or that the requirements of the Law and these Conditions of Sale have not been complied with.
MERCULES will not make any refund until receipt of the product, it will also verify the condition of the returned product, reserving the right not to make the refund in the event that MERCULES notices that the products purchased and returned are not the same or that the return has not been made in accordance with the Law and these Conditions of Sale.
The partial return of an order will involve a partial refund of shipping costs, which will be refunded proportionally to the value of the returned product.
MERCULES will manage the order for the refund of the price and delivery costs through the same system used by the User to purchase the products, within 48 hours from the confirmation of receipt of the returned product to the address indicated and, in any case, within a period not exceeding 14 calendar days from the User communicated its return, unless MERCULES had not received within that period the returned product. The application of the refund of the price and the cost of delivery in the User's account or card, will depend on the card and the issuing entity.
"Return of defective products
The User shall be entitled to be reimbursed the amount corresponding to the price of the defective product, the shipping costs and the cost of transport, when the delivered product is defective or does not correspond to the product ordered by the User.
In these cases, the return of the products to MERCULES can be carried out as set out in section (i) above, or by contacting MERCULES at the email or phone number available on the website. In case of defective return of the product or return of a product that does not correspond to the product ordered in the order registered by the User, MERCULES shall bear the cost of transportation of the return of the products, provided that the return is made from the same country where the delivery was made.
- Warranty of the products
The products have the legal guarantee of lack of conformity revealed during the 2 years after delivery in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations. The user must inform MERCULES of this lack of conformity within 2 months since they knowledge it.
The warranty offered corresponds to that established in the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of 16 November, for the Defense of the User and Consumer.
The warranty does not include deficiencies due to negligence, blow, use, improper handling or any use not suitable for its purpose. Products modified and repaired by the User shall be excluded from the warranty.
- Customs Information
When the User places an order for products on the Website for delivery to a country outside the European Union, he/she may be liable to pay import duties and taxes, which will be charged at the time the package arrives at the destination. Any additional amount due corresponding to the customized shipment shall be borne by the User. MERCULES has no control over these amounts. Custom policies vary significantly from country to country, therefore, we recommend that you contact your local Customs Brokerage. Remember that when registering an order with MERCULES, formally the Law considers the User as an importer and must comply with all applicable Laws and Regulations in the receiving country. We also want to remind our international users that the international shipment is subject to inspection and opening by customs authorities.
- Liability and disclaimer of liability
Without prejudice to the provisions of the applicable Law and Regulations, the liability of MERCULES in relation to the products purchased through the Website shall be limited to the purchase price of such products.
MERCULES shall not assume any liability arising, inter alia:
- a) For the use that the User may make of the materials on the Website, in violation of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the Website or third parties.
- b) For any damage caused to Users as a result of normal or abnormal operation of the search tools, the organization or location of the contents and / or access to the Website and, in general, errors and problems caused in the development or instrumentalization of the technical elements that the website or the program gives the user.
- c) From the content of those pages to which Users can access from links included on the Website, authorized or not.
- d) Of the acts or omissions of third parties, regardless of these third parties, could be contractually bound with MERCULES.
- e) Access by minors (under 16 years) to the material included on the Website, being the responsibility of their parents or guardians the proper control of the activity of their minors in charge or even the installation of any control tool to prevent access to the material and the sending of personal data without the prior consent of the adult in charge.
- f) Errors and delays in accessing the Website by the User at the time of entering information in any form, the slowness or impossibility of receipt by the recipients of the confirmation order or any anomaly that may arise when these events were due to Internet problems, unforeseen circumstances or force majeure and any other unforeseeable contingency, outside the faith of MERCULES good.
- g) Of the failures or incidents that may occur in the communication, deletion or incomplete transmission, so that the operability of the Website is not constant guarantee.
- h) Errors and damage caused to the website by the ineffective use of the user or bad faith.
- i) Non-operability or problems in the email address provided by the User for sending the confirmation order.
MERCULES shall be obliged to resolve any problems that may arise and offer the User all the assistance required to reach quick and satisfactory solutions to the incidents of the Website.
- Personal Data
To purchase MERCULES items, it will be necessary for Customers to provide personal data, which must be true, accurate, current and complete, which will be processed by MERCULES, for the purposes and for the time described in the Privacy Policy.
Customers will have at all times the right to exercise the rights set out in our Privacy Policy by sending a message detailing the right you wish to exercise the email to or by calling the phone number 946125663
For more information please read our specific section on Privacy Policy.
- Partial Nullity
The declaration of any of these general conditions as null, invalid or ineffective shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining conditions, which shall continue to be binding between the parties.
The waiver by any of the parties to demand at any given time the fulfillment of any of the general conditions stipulated herein shall not imply a general waiver of the fulfillment of any other condition or conditions, nor shall it create an acquired right for the other party.
- Notices
Some of the information or communications sent to the Client will be in writing and electronic and through the web. By using this website, the Customer agrees that communications will be electronic. For contractual purposes, the Customer consents to use this electronic means of communication and acknowledges that all contracts, notices, information and other communications sent to the Customer electronically comply with the legal requirements of being in writing. This condition shall not affect your rights under applicable laws. Notices shall be deemed to have been received and properly made the instant they are posted on the website, 24 hours after an e-mail is sent, or three (3) business days after the postmark date of any letter.
- Customer Service
If the Customer has any questions about the Web Site, items, the order, shipments, returns, or any other communication or questions, you can contact us in the following ways:
" by telephone at the number 946125663. Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 20:00 pm.
"By e-mail to the address
"By mail, to the following address: Av/ Neguri, 9. 48992, Getxo (Spain).
- Jurisdiction and applicable law
The present conditions shall be governed by Spanish law. For the resolution of any doubt, discrepancy or divergence that may arise in the fulfillment and interpretation of this contract, the parties submit to the Spanish Courts and Tribunals. If you are contracting as a consumer, nothing in this clause shall affect your rights as a consumer under current legislation.
© Copyright 2018. MERCULES SPAIN, SL Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid. Volume 32.794, Folio 81, Sheet M-589491 and CIF B-87112264.
- Introduction
MERCULES SPAIN, SL in compliance with Law 34/2.002, of July 11th, Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce, EU Regulation 2016/679 on Data Protection, Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16, approving the revised text of the General Law for the Protection of Consumers and Users and other implementing regulations, has developed these Terms of Purchase for the procurement process of the items offered on the website
This document (hereinafter the "Conditions") is a commercial agreement that binds the User (hereinafter "Customer" or "User") and MERCULES SPAIN, SL (hereinafter "MERCULES").
These Conditions establish the rights and obligations of the Customer and MERCULES and determine in a EXPRESSLY, CLEAR, UNDERSTANDING AND INEQUIVOCABLE way the identity of the owner of the Website, the characteristics of MERCULES items, prices, payment methods, the purchase process, warranties, return policy and any other circumstances regarding to the purchase of MERCULES items.
All MERCULES items offered on its Website are sold directly by MERCULES SPAIN, SL with registered office at Avenida de Neguri 9, Getxo, 48992, Vizcaya (Spain), with NIF No. B-87112264, owner of the brand MERCULES.
The Customer by placing an order, expressly accepts these Conditions, as well as the Privacy Policy and the Legal Notice found on the Web and if the Customer does not agree with these, they should not register or browse the Web, or place any order. These Conditions may be modified by MERCULES at any time without notice, so the Customer must read them before placing each order, being binding the Conditions in force at the time of placing the order.
MERCULES through its Website offers MERCULES articles, 24 hours a day, every day of the year. No orders may be placed by underaged.
- Registration on the Website
The user is not required to register as a customer, but must provide personal information necessary for shipping (and where appropriate, billing) such as name, address and telephone.
Non-response or inaccuracy in the personal data will prevent the user from registering as a registered Customer or as a guest on the Website. All personal data provided will be subject to our Privacy Policy.
Before finalizing the registration, regardless of whether that is as a registered Customer or as a guest, the user must accept these terms and purchase conditions.
- Customer Obligations
The Customer is obliged to:
"Communicate in a true and correct way to MERCULES, the personal data necessary for the delivery of orders.
"Payment of MERCULES items purchased through the Website and shipping costs, in those cases where there are.
"The Customer may not place any fraudulent or false order. MERCULES reserves the right to cancel the order and / or inform the relevant authorities if it has reasonable grounds to consider it as such.
"Not to carry out any activity that hinders or interferes with the operation of the Website.
- Territory of delivery
MERCULES items are delivered exclusively in the countries in which our Website is available. Thus, each country has its own Website with its own articles, prices and shipping costs that may vary. The system will automatically recognize the country of access.
- Purchase procedure
The Customer must access the Website to purchase MERCULES items, having at its disposal the following information:
* Description of the article, reference, size, features, colors, composition and photograph.
* Price per unit
* Shipping costs
* Conditions of validity of the offer, if any.
Once chosen the article, the Client will have to add to the basket by clicking on the button "ADD TO CART" the units that he/she wishes to acquire of each article, the size, the color...etc. Once the selected items have been added to the cart, the Customer can access the summary of the selection of items by clicking on the cart at the top right of the page, where a summary of the selected items appears. If the Customer wants to modify quantities or delete items or make the purchase, he/she must click on the cart at the top right, and on "VIEW CART" on the right side of the page, detailing the following information:
" Product
"Unit Price
“ Total price of each of the items purchased
" Total price of the purchase
The customer has the option to indicate in the comment box the specifications of the shipment, such as, for example, if he/she wants any product to be sent gift-wrapped.
When the Customer wants to finalize the purchase, he/she should select the "CHECKOUT" button in the shopping cart and go to "CUSTOMER INFORMATION", where he/she should enter his/her e-mail address and the necessary data for the shipment of the order. The customer can check the box if he/she wishes to receive news and special promotions. In this case, your email address will only be saved for this purpose and for this sole use, always for promotions related to the purchased product. In addition to entering your contact and shipping information, you will be able to review your shipping and billing information and modify it. The customer has the option to save your information for future purchases. This information will not be used for any purpose by the company nor will it be stored by the company. The only function of this option is the automatic filling of the form of the own Web to facilitate future purchases.
If you have a promotional code or an online voucher it must be included at that time to benefit from the conditions and discounts that apply to the purchase.
Next, the customer will go to the "SHIPPING" tab, where he/she will see a summary of his/her shipping and contact information, as well as the final price including shipping methods and shipping costs. Afterwards, the Customer will select the payment method among the available options and will have to enter the requested data.
To confirm the purchase the Customer must accept the Terms and Conditions of Purchase, selecting the appropriate box and proceed to its acceptance by clicking on the button "I HAVE READ AND ACCEPT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS" and by clicking on the button "AUTHORIZE PAYMENT", the Customer will receive an email informing him of the data corresponding to the order "Order Confirmation". The non-receipt of this message may be due to a temporary communication problem in the network or to a typing error in the e-mail address communicated. In both cases, it is advisable that you contact us through the e-mail address .
- Currency, method of payment and applicable taxes
Prices will be shown in euros or pounds. In accordance with current legislation, all purchases made on the Website will be subject to the taxes levied on the purchase. For security reasons, the Customer may not place orders exceeding 2,000 Euros or containing more than 15 items within a period of fifteen (15) working days. If the Customer is interested in purchasing more than that amount or number of items, you can contact the customer service MERCULES through e-mail
MERCULES SPAIN, SL makes every effort to ensure that the information contained on its website is accurate and error free. If at any time any such error occurs, it will be corrected immediately.
MERCULES reserves the right to change the prices shown on the site without notice, but these changes will not affect the price of orders already placed by the Customer.
MERCULES accepts payments by credit or debit card (Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard and Maestro, American Express, Diners) and Pay Pal. In accordance with Article 37 of Law 16/2009 of 13 November on payment services, the commitment to pay made through a bank card is irrevocable. By providing information about their bank card, the Customer authorizes the charge on his card.
All payments are made through a secure payment gateway that encrypts card data and PAYPAL. In order to provide maximum security to the payment system, MERCULES uses secure payment systems of leading financial institutions in e-commerce. In this sense, the confidential payment data are transmitted directly and encrypted (SSL) to the corresponding financial institution. For payment with Visa and MasterCard cards, MERCULES has introduced the SEC (Secure Electronic Commerce) service with the international 3D Secure protocol, which is distinguished by the Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode marks. The Secure Electronic Commerce is an initiative whose basic principle is to guarantee the security of Internet transactions. When making the payment through the secure payment gateway, the system will automatically verify that the credit card is activated for Secure e-Commerce. It will then connect to the issuing bank, which will ask you to authorize the transaction by means of a personal authentication code. The transaction will only take place if the bank issuing the credit card confirms the authentication code. Otherwise, the transaction will be rejected.
As a complementary measure to the system of "secure payment" and with the aim of collaborating in the prevention of fraud over the Internet, MERCULES reserves the right to verify the personal data provided by the customer and take the measures it deems appropriate (including the cancellation of the order) so that the goods purchased are delivered in accordance with the data contained in the order.
- Shipping and delivery of the Articles
The Articles are sold and delivered in the countries in which MERCULES is present. The country of delivery must always coincide with the Website of the country from which the Customer made the purchase.
Once the order leaves MERCULES' warehouse, an e-mail will be sent to the Customer notifying that the order is being shipped.
Orders will be shipped to the delivery address that the Customer had given at the time of placing the order, so it is important that the Customer pays attention at the time the order is placed, as it may not change the delivery address data. MERCULES shall not be liable in the event that the delivery address is incorrect or incomplete.
For security reasons, MERCULES will not send any order to PO Boxes, nor accept any order when it is not possible to identify the recipient of the order and its address.
Responsibility for MERCULES items will be transferred to the Customer at the time of delivery of the order.
- Problems in delivery
In the event that the period indicated in the Shipping section for the shipping method selected by the Customer has elapsed without having received your order, you must bring this circumstance to the attention of MERCULES.
When the order is delivered to the Customer, it must verify that everything is in accordance with the request. If there is any discrepancy or problem with the order, you must notify MERCULES email In that email the Customer must specify your personal data and order number reflecting the discrepancy or problem. MERCULES will contact the Customer as soon as possible to resolve the issue.
- Returns
"Right of withdrawal
The User has a maximum period of 14 calendar days to exercise all or part of its right of withdrawal, in accordance with applicable law. Once these 14 days have elapsed, MERCULES does not accept returns in the exercise of the right of withdrawal of consumers.
The User shall not be entitled to withdraw from the contract of sale in the cases provided for in the Spanish regulations applicable to the consumer, and especially in the following cases:
(i) customized products made under the specifications of the Users, (ii) for health and hygiene reasons, MERCULES does not accept returns of underwear. We recommend that you read article 103 of the Spanish consumer regulation (Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the Spanish Regulation for the Defense of Consumers and Users).
The User must bear the cost and the realization of the returns made in the exercise of the right of withdrawal. In this regard, the User shall: (i) notify MERCULES its willingness to withdraw the purchase before the 14th day from delivery, as well as (ii) send the product to the following address, calle Conde de Aranda, 10, 28001, Madrid (Madrid), within 14 calendar days after the communication of its willingness to withdraw from the contract.
The User may also exercise its right of withdrawal by sending the product directly to the above address within 14 calendar days from the date of delivery.
Upon receipt of the product, MERCULES will verify the conditions of the product and make the refund according to the applicable Spanish regulations.
"Reimbursement for the user
In the event that the right of withdrawal of the preceding section is exercised, the User shall be entitled to a refund of the price of the returned products and ordinary delivery charges corresponding to the most economical option offered by MERCULES, provided that the returned products are in the same condition as at the time of delivery, that they have not been used (apart from the use required to verify their suitability), washed, damaged or that the requirements of the Law and these Conditions of Sale have not been complied with.
MERCULES will not make any refund until receipt of the product, it will also verify the condition of the returned product, reserving the right not to make the refund in the event that MERCULES notices that the products purchased and returned are not the same or that the return has not been made in accordance with the Law and these Conditions of Sale.
The partial return of an order will involve a partial refund of shipping costs, which will be refunded proportionally to the value of the returned product.
MERCULES will manage the order for the refund of the price and delivery costs through the same system used by the User to purchase the products, within 48 hours from the confirmation of receipt of the returned product to the address indicated and, in any case, within a period not exceeding 14 calendar days from the User communicated its return, unless MERCULES had not received within that period the returned product. The application of the refund of the price and the cost of delivery in the User's account or card, will depend on the card and the issuing entity.
"Return of defective products
The User shall be entitled to be reimbursed the amount corresponding to the price of the defective product, the shipping costs and the cost of transport, when the delivered product is defective or does not correspond to the product ordered by the User.
In these cases, the return of the products to MERCULES can be carried out as set out in section (i) above, or by contacting MERCULES at the email or phone number available on the website. In case of defective return of the product or return of a product that does not correspond to the product ordered in the order registered by the User, MERCULES shall bear the cost of transportation of the return of the products, provided that the return is made from the same country where the delivery was made.
- Warranty of the products
The products have the legal guarantee of lack of conformity revealed during the 2 years after delivery in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations. The user must inform MERCULES of this lack of conformity within 2 months since they knowledge it.
The warranty offered corresponds to that established in the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of 16 November, for the Defense of the User and Consumer.
The warranty does not include deficiencies due to negligence, blow, use, improper handling or any use not suitable for its purpose. Products modified and repaired by the User shall be excluded from the warranty.
- Customs Information
When the User places an order for products on the Website for delivery to a country outside the European Union, he/she may be liable to pay import duties and taxes, which will be charged at the time the package arrives at the destination. Any additional amount due corresponding to the customized shipment shall be borne by the User. MERCULES has no control over these amounts. Custom policies vary significantly from country to country, therefore, we recommend that you contact your local Customs Brokerage. Remember that when registering an order with MERCULES, formally the Law considers the User as an importer and must comply with all applicable Laws and Regulations in the receiving country. We also want to remind our international users that the international shipment is subject to inspection and opening by customs authorities.
- Liability and disclaimer of liability
Without prejudice to the provisions of the applicable Law and Regulations, the liability of MERCULES in relation to the products purchased through the Website shall be limited to the purchase price of such products.
MERCULES shall not assume any liability arising, inter alia:
- a) For the use that the User may make of the materials on the Website, in violation of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the Website or third parties.
- b) For any damage caused to Users as a result of normal or abnormal operation of the search tools, the organization or location of the contents and / or access to the Website and, in general, errors and problems caused in the development or instrumentalization of the technical elements that the website or the program gives the user.
- c) From the content of those pages to which Users can access from links included on the Website, authorized or not.
- d) Of the acts or omissions of third parties, regardless of these third parties, could be contractually bound with MERCULES.
- e) Access by minors (under 16 years) to the material included on the Website, being the responsibility of their parents or guardians the proper control of the activity of their minors in charge or even the installation of any control tool to prevent access to the material and the sending of personal data without the prior consent of the adult in charge.
- f) Errors and delays in accessing the Website by the User at the time of entering information in any form, the slowness or impossibility of receipt by the recipients of the confirmation order or any anomaly that may arise when these events were due to Internet problems, unforeseen circumstances or force majeure and any other unforeseeable contingency, outside the faith of MERCULES good.
- g) Of the failures or incidents that may occur in the communication, deletion or incomplete transmission, so that the operability of the Website is not constant guarantee.
- h) Errors and damage caused to the website by the ineffective use of the user or bad faith.
- i) Non-operability or problems in the email address provided by the User for sending the confirmation order.
MERCULES shall be obliged to resolve any problems that may arise and offer the User all the assistance required to reach quick and satisfactory solutions to the incidents of the Website.
- Personal Data
To purchase MERCULES items, it will be necessary for Customers to provide personal data, which must be true, accurate, current and complete, which will be processed by MERCULES, for the purposes and for the time described in the Privacy Policy.
Customers will have at all times the right to exercise the rights set out in our Privacy Policy by sending a message detailing the right you wish to exercise the email to or by calling the phone number 946125663
For more information please read our specific section on Privacy Policy.
- Partial Nullity
The declaration of any of these general conditions as null, invalid or ineffective shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining conditions, which shall continue to be binding between the parties.
The waiver by any of the parties to demand at any given time the fulfillment of any of the general conditions stipulated herein shall not imply a general waiver of the fulfillment of any other condition or conditions, nor shall it create an acquired right for the other party.
- Notices
Some of the information or communications sent to the Client will be in writing and electronic and through the web. By using this website, the Customer agrees that communications will be electronic. For contractual purposes, the Customer consents to use this electronic means of communication and acknowledges that all contracts, notices, information and other communications sent to the Customer electronically comply with the legal requirements of being in writing. This condition shall not affect your rights under applicable laws. Notices shall be deemed to have been received and properly made the instant they are posted on the website, 24 hours after an e-mail is sent, or three (3) business days after the postmark date of any letter.
- Customer Service
If the Customer has any questions about the Web Site, items, the order, shipments, returns, or any other communication or questions, you can contact us in the following ways:
" by telephone at the number 946125663. Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 20:00 pm.
"By e-mail to the address
"By mail, to the following address: Av/ Neguri, 9. 48992, Getxo (Spain).
- Jurisdiction and applicable law
The present conditions shall be governed by Spanish law. For the resolution of any doubt, discrepancy or divergence that may arise in the fulfillment and interpretation of this contract, the parties submit to the Spanish Courts and Tribunals. If you are contracting as a consumer, nothing in this clause shall affect your rights as a consumer under current legislation.
© Copyright 2018. MERCULES SPAIN, SL Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid. Volume 32.794, Folio 81, Sheet M-589491 and CIF B-87112264.